With many years of experience and success in the business of developing hydropower, solar energy, thermal energy, and in development and construction and infrastructure projects, CSE is committed to running its business with a focus on the community and the environment. Its main mission is to produce excellent quality products that are beneficial to the socio-economic development of the nation, and which have responsibilities in every region in line with the Company principles of management and the socio-economic and environmental development and for sustainable development of the country.
Social Responsibility
Chaleun Sekong Energy Company Limited wishes society to benefit from the Company and in particular provides an opportunity for people in the vicinity of the projects and from the remoteness of some locations to come in and participate in the project, ready to promote and develop their skills. Alongside that, CSE also plans to rehabilitate livelihoods for those affected by a project, both directly and indirectly. In addition, CS Energy provides assistance to those who are not affected by the project, for example, helping people affected by floods across the country in recent years.
Sustainable Development
With hydropower development the core product of CS Energy it uses the principles of sustainable development including health and safety policies, and environmental and social responsibilities that have low impact. Such policy makes the most of the Company’s products while delivering the best results. More information about the Company’s products, programmes, development projects, business information, and investment information is available.
Environment Responsibility
Our environmental responsibility
Chaleun Sekong Energy Company Limited is always aware of environmental issues. Every project of the company has a detailed and clear goal. It must be a project with sustainable development, have a plan to manage and monitor the environment, society and nature to assist in the fulfilment of their roles and obligations to bring about good benefits.
The Company integrates environmental responsibilities into all day-to-day activities to follow the regulation and obligation of environmental law. The Company regularly checks the water quality, manages sustainable nature and its internal workings.
The Company is currently researching for better methods of helping with the reduction of environmental impact.
Environment Management & Monitoring Plan
The Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan for Wetlands, Reservoirs and Construction Areas is identified and approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. The implementation is to ensure that the plans are in line with the relevant policies and regulations of the Company and Lao PDR. The main objective is to protect the environment and guarantee sustainable development.
Water Quality Monitoring
The Company has developed a series of online methods for water quality monitoring in line with national environmental standards and with international standards. There have been assigned areas to collect samples of river water every week and quarterly by using chemical and biosphere variables. The samples are sent to the laboratory for analysis and the results are sent back to the field so that current up-to-date information is available for the rivers being checked.